Appalachiosaurus montgomeriens

Appalachiosaurus montgomeriens

from $4,779.50

Appalachiosaurus- Appalachiosaurus is a unique, primitive tyrannosaurid which retained a longer, lower skull with even more teeth than the tyrannosaurs from North America’s western regions. This skeleton represents the most complete theropod ever found in the eastern half of the United States. Recovered from marine sediments, this Appalachiosaurus specimen represents a unique taphonomic scenario in which a dinosaur was washed out to sea and then buried. Our Appalachiosaurus can be mounted with either two or three fingers on each hand, depending on which camp of research you prefer to refer to.

Locality: Alabama
Formation: Demopolis Chalk
Length: 6.4 m (21 feet)
Height @ Hips: 2 m (6.5 feet)

Skeleton: $71,995
Skull: $4,779.50

Contact Jacob Jett for purchasing and production scheduling at: (719) 394-3212 or

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