Carcharocles megalodon

Carcharocles megalodon


Carcharocles megalodon (more commonly known by its species name “megalodon”) was the largest shark of all time. This marine mega-predator evolved to prey on the biggest game the world has ever known, whales. Teeth as large as an adult human hand line this reconstruction of the cartilaginous jaws in rows. Living as recently as the late Miocene, hominids would have been contemporary with Carcharocles megalodon and may have even witnessed its sail-sized dorsal fin breach the surf. No trip to your exhibit will be complete without a family portrait from inside history’s most fearsome set of jaws.

Locality: South Carolina
Formation: Hawthorn/Yorktown
Dimensions: Height: 2.4 m (8 feet) X Width: 2.8 m (9 feet 4 inches)


Contact Jacob Jett for purchasing and production scheduling at: (719) 394-3212 or

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