Megalocoelacanthus dobiei
Megalocoelacanthus dobiei
from $4,598.00
Megalocoelacanthus dobiei was an enormous Late Cretaceous coelacanth. It is a rare example of a Cretaceous lobe-finned fish and as such, is related more closely to amphibians than it is to the ray-finned fish we are most familiar with. There are only two species of extant coelacanth, both in the genus Latimeria: the Indonesian and West Indian Ocean coelacanths. The earliest known coelacanths date back to the beginning of the Devonian.
Locality: Kansas
Formation: Niobrara
Length: 3 m (10 feet)
3D Skeleton: $34,500
3D Skull: $4,598
Contact Jacob Jett for purchasing and production scheduling at: (719) 394-3212 or