Saurodon leanus

Saurodon leanus


The most unusual and rarest member of the Ichthyodectid fishes, Saurodon possesses an extremely elongated and narrow body with nearly 120 vertebrae. Saurodon has a very distinguished profile, unique from other fish of the Niobrara chalk provided by a long and pointed predentary bone. This 3D cast skeleton was made possible by the discovery of a disarticulated but complete skull and pectorals as well as an intact caudal fin. The number of vertebrae and position of the secondary fins was confirmed by reference to the only complete, intact skeleton known. The story of the Late Cretaceous sea isn’t complete without one of these unique specimens on display.

Locality: Kansas
Formation: Niobrara
Length: 2.5 m (8 feet)

Skeleton: $18,500

Skull: $1,600

Contact Jacob for purchase and production scheduling.

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