Crenatosiren olseni

Crenatosiren olseni

from $450.00

The end of the Oligocene was a time of great sirenian diversity. Crenatosiren represents a medium-sized dugongid that would have been contemporary with the smaller Metaxytherium and larger Dioplotherium 23 million years ago. These three varieties of sea cows were able to overlap ranges because they were each adapted to feeding on very particular varieties of sea grasses which rooted at subtly different depths. This, like today’s tropical rainforests, is an exemplary story of abundant plant diversity driving abundant animal diversity.

Locality: North Carolina
Formation: Chandler Bridge
Length: 1.7 m (5 feet)

Skull: $495

Plaque: $3,932

Contact Jacob for purchase and production scheduling.

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Pezo edit.jpg

Pezosiren portelli

Metaxy edit.jpg

Metaxytherium floridanum
