Apatosaurus or Galeomopus Juvenile
Apatosaurus or Galeomopus Juvenile
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Price above only reflects Deposit/Holding Fee and is non-refundable; Full price is reflected under “Acquire Specimen.” If you have any questions, please consult our fossil expert prior to purchase.
Acquire specimen:
($550,000 - Non-Refundable Deposit to Hold Item; Applied to final price)
Juvenile sauropod. Approximately 15.25m long.
TPI is acting as preparator/mounter/broker. Owned by a separate entity.
We recently completed preparation of the skull in our lab. The body is in several crates in a storage warehouse in Colorado Springs. Access can be arranged for viewing, but most of it is in jackets and many are capped.
This animal is about 50 feet long. Believe it or not, that’s a medium sized animal for this kind of dinosaur.
The skull is nearly complete and is already re-assembled and reconstructed.
This is a classic “long necked” dinosaur.
It is a very complete skeleton.