Apatosaurus or Galeomopus Juvenile

Apatosaurus or Galeomopus Juvenile


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Price above only reflects Deposit/Holding Fee and is non-refundable; Full price is reflected under “Acquire Specimen.” If you have any questions, please consult our fossil expert prior to purchase.

Acquire specimen:

($550,000 - Non-Refundable Deposit to Hold Item; Applied to final price)

Juvenile sauropod. Approximately 15.25m long.

TPI is acting as preparator/mounter/broker. Owned by a separate entity.

We recently completed preparation of the skull in our lab. The body is in several crates in a storage warehouse in Colorado Springs. Access can be arranged for viewing, but most of it is in jackets and many are capped.


  • This animal is about 50 feet long. Believe it or not, that’s a medium sized animal for this kind of dinosaur.

  • The skull is nearly complete and is already re-assembled and reconstructed.

  • This is a classic “long necked” dinosaur. 

  • It is a very complete skeleton.

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