Dromaeosaurus albertensis

Dromaeosaurus albertensis

from $1,149.50

Dromaeosaurus albertensis is one of the rarest theropods from the American west. They were closely related to Velociraptor but significantly larger. Known only from a collection of partial skeletons, this specimen represents the latest interpretation of its anatomy, composited from several individuals.

Fast, agile and vicious, Dromaeosaurus probably hunted in packs, preying on the infirm and young of larger dinosaur species. Attacking with their lethal “killing claw”, they were able to latch onto their prey with both their feet and large clawed hands to inflict mortal wounds. Dromaeosaurus makes a frighteningly impressive exhibit as a pack cooperating in a hunt. This specimen is also available in an in situ panel mount.

Locality: Alberta, Canada
Formation: Dinosaur Park
Length: 2.3 m (8 feet)
Height @ Hips: 91 cm (3 feet)
Plaque Dimensions:
1.8 m x 1.8 m x 20 cm
(6 feet x 6 feet x 8 inches)

Skeleton: $16,335
Skull: $1,149.50
Plaque: $11,495

Contact Jacob Jett for purchasing and production scheduling at: (719) 394-3212 or Jacob@rmdrc.com

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