Bambiraptor feinbergi

Bambiraptor feinbergi

from $150.00

Bambiraptor was a small North American dromaeosaur recovered from Campanian sediments in Montana’s Two Medicine Formation. The type specimen of Bambiraptor is now housed in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The bones in this Bambiraptor skeleton have been arranged to approximate the field map representing how it was postioned in situ, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing panel mount that would be a fantastic addition to any collection or display.

Locality: Montana
Formation: Two Medicine
Length: 90 cm (2 feet 11 inches)
Plaque Length: 66 cm (2 feet 2 inches)
Height: 84 cm (2 feet 9 inches)

Skeleton: $5,900
Skull: $150
Plaque: $4,180

Contact Jacob Jett for purchasing and production scheduling at: (719) 394-3212 or

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