Thescelosaurus neglectus
Thescelosaurus neglectus
Thescelosaurus was a small to medium-sized, bipedal ornithopod living at the end of the reign of dinosaurs. It shares a number of similarities with other small ornithopods like Hypsilophodon, including five-fingered hands and toothed premaxilla. TPI offers three exceptional skeletons of this rather rare dinosaur, including a young, 1.8 meter (6’) skeleton with one of the best-preserved skulls in existence, a typical adult at 3.25 meters (10’8”), and a much larger-than-average 4.27 meter (14’) skeleton which has the entire costal rib assembly and inter-rib cartilage preserved and reproduced in our cast.
Locality: Harding County, SD
Formation: Hell Creek
SmallLength: 180 cm (6 feet)
MediumLength: 325 cm (10 feet, 8 inches)
LargeLength: Locality: 427 cm (14 feet)
Height :
Large Skeleton: $42,065
Large Skull: $1,391.50
Medium Skeleton: $33,225
Medium Skull: $1,089
Small Skeleton: $27,250
Small Skull: $847
Contact Jacob Jett for purchasing and production scheduling at: (719) 394-3212 or