Saurodon (RMDRC #14-024)

Saurodon (RMDRC #14-024)
There are only three skeletons of Saurodon in existence that include elements from the skull to the tail of an individual. One of them is on display at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History.
The other two were discovered and collected by TPI.
The second Saurodon was discovered by Mike Triebold, specimen 14-024 is perfectly articulated posteriorly, with a complete, intact anal fin that clearly shows a structure previously unknown and worthy of a paper.
The third Saurodon specimen is one that was discovered by TPI’s Anthony Maltese this spring (2024), specimen #24-003. This one is disarticulated somewhat, but not very dislodged as all of the bones remain well within the expected area of the original body cavity. It was eroding into the weather by the head, and the only part that had fully eroded out was the predentary, which, fortunately, was still intact and right near the skull, which was beginning to weather. When tracing the specimen, it continued all the way to and including the tail. There is also some evidence uncovered, that the anal fin might also be somewhat intact, or partially so, which would add to the evidence gained from specimen #2.
During perimetering, it was also ascertained that the pectoral fins are exactly where we would expect them in an articulated specimen, so there is a very good chance that the entire skull through pectorals are indeed, articulated.